Trucker Tom

I've been a trucker for the last ten years but now I am back home at "Camp Chaos" and I will be working at the Fontana terminal as a safety specialist. I hope now that I'm home I'll have a lot more time for blogging!

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King Pins
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mars pictures
prairie home companion

Blogger Buddies
comfortably crazy
California Fever

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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Why oh why does my Dad not blog?

Because he's trucker that's why and he doesn't have wireless internet. 'Tis a shame. I should start a fund for my Dad to get him connected. Can you imagine the stories. If only I could be a fly in his cab and record some of his long rambling conversations. My Dad is a great story teller.

So the news on Dad at this moment is that he is in Phoenix getting his windshield fixed. He had a bird hit one window and a rock hit the other. Does anyone else see a theme here? Serioulsly, every time I talk to my parents they have yet another report on some truck work being done. Reminds me of Job. A little.

Dad has a student with him, his name is Mike.

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