Trucker Tom

I've been a trucker for the last ten years but now I am back home at "Camp Chaos" and I will be working at the Fontana terminal as a safety specialist. I hope now that I'm home I'll have a lot more time for blogging!

Email Me.
I check my email whenever I get a chance.

King Pins
trucker terms
mars pictures
prairie home companion

Blogger Buddies
comfortably crazy
California Fever

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Sunday, September 18, 2005
Dad lags so bad, I'm going to update his blog for him. He says he has two posts all written in his head, he just hasn't had a chance to get online. When he has a student with him he's too busy teaching and when he has home time, my mom loads him up with a million chores around the yard. Plus, they've recently acquired a new swing set for the grandkids (yay!) and he's been assembling that and getting it all set up for play.

My dad is a busy busy dad.

Right now he is in Redding California.
